AM Comments 05/28/13
Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 7:51 amSubmitted by: Dustin Weiner
Good morning!
So where do we go from here? Well… it will be a bit of a battle. I would say that a large percentage of producers across the corn belt see these recent rains as beneficial to their crops. This in many areas is viewed as a “timely rain”. On the flip side there are parts of Iowa for example that may only be 70-80% planted on corn. What will the producer do with those acres?
This afternoon the planting progress report will be out – the trade is expecting it to show the U.S. 85-90% planted on corn and 45-50% planted on soybeans. One way to look at this is that the higher the number of acres planted, the more bearish this wet weather has been (or will be).
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