AM Comments 05/03/13
Friday, May 3, 2013, 8:18 am
Submitted by: Dustin Weiner
Good morning!

Monday afternoon the USDA will grace us with another planting
progress report. Expectations are fairly widespread with some in the trade
thinking it will show corn as 12-15% planted while others think it could be
closer to 20% planted. Either way we will be behind pace, knowing full well
that we can catch up fast.
The outside markets could be a friendly input today. The
U.S. unemployment numbers came out, dropping unemployment to 7.5% which should
cause the equity markets to bounce higher.
The funds were in buying corn yesterday, we will need to see
them doing more of the same today or our market could give back some of these
recent gains…
Opening Calls
Corn steady to 2 cents higher
Soybeans 4 to 6 cents higher
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