AM Comments 10/15/13
Tuesday, October 15, 2013, 8:09 amSubmitted by: Dustin Weiner
Good morning!
Yesterday the majority of the market was faced with a limited, thin trade with banks and other businesses closed for Columbus Day (not to mention the gov’t is still closed, today is day 15 of the shutdown). We did not receive our normal harvest progress info yesterday afternoon but we read a Reuter’s poll this morning that shows U.S. soybean harvest at 45% complete (this same poll showed 22% completion a week ago). They estimated corn harvest to be 31% done (it was 20% last week, according to this poll).
Quickly on South American weather… they have received some much needed rains over the past 4 or 5 days in Argentina. This should help increase their planting pace (farmers down there were waiting for rain as their soils were too dry). Even with that though, additional moisture will be needed (and currently isn’t forecasted). Brazil has had much better luck as they have had timely rains and near ideal planting conditions.
Opening Calls
Corn steady to up 1c
Soybeans 3 to 5 cents lower
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